Abstract | Nutritivne alergije se javljaju u sve ranijoj životnoj dobi s prevalencijom 2-10%. Najčešće alergene namirnice su: kravlje mlijeko, jaja, pšenica, soja, orašasti plodovi, riba i kikiriki. Glavni cilj ovog istraživanja je utvrditi stanje uhranjenosti ispitanika s nutritivnom alergijom u trenutku postavljanja dijagnoze u usporedbi s zdravim ispitanicima, te usporediti stanje uhranjenosti ispitanika s nutritivnom alergijom prije započinjanja dijete i 6 mjeseci nakon provođenja eliminacijske dijete. Specifični ciljevi ovog istraživanja su ispitati kvalitetu prehrane djece koja su na eliminacijskoj dijeti i usporediti ih s prehranom zdravih vršnjaka te ispitati provođenje eliminacijske dijete u odnosu na broj i vrstu alergena. Riječ je o kontroliranom, prospektivnom, longitudinalnom istraživanju. Ispitanicima s nutritivnom alergijom (u dobi od 3 - 8 mjeseci) određen je nutritivni status unutar 24 sata od postavljanja dijagnoze, te nakon 6 mjeseci eliminacijske dijete. Ispitanicima kontrolne skupine (u dobi od 8 mjeseci) određen je nutritivni status pri sistematskom pregledu. Ispitanici s nutritivnom alergijom su pri postavljnju dijagnoze imali u prosjeku manju tjelesnu masu u usporedbi sa zdravim vršnjacima, dok su biokemijski pokazatelji i dijetetski unos nutrijenata bili bez značajne razlike. Nakon 6 mjeseci eliminacijske dijete stanje uhranjenosti ispitanika je pogoršano u usporedbi sa stanjem uhranjenosti pri postavljanju dijagnoze, a prehrambeni unos energije, lipida, te mikronutrijenata (kalcija, cinka, selena, vitamina E, D, C i B kompleksa) nije odgovarajući. Iako broj i vrsta alergenih namirnica nisu značajno utjecali na uhranjenost ispitanika, djeca koja su iz prehrane isključila tri i više namirnica imala su značajno poremećen unos većine mikronutrijenata, što ukazuje na neodgovarajuću i nedostatnu prehranu koja dugoročno može imati negativne posljedice na rast i razvoj djeteta. Budući da je unos energije i nutrijenata smanjen tijekom eliminacijske dijete, djeca s nutritivnom alergijom zahtjevaju nutricionistički nadzor i pažljivo praćenje stanja uhranjenosti. |
Abstract (english) | Nutritional allergies, like other atopic diseases, are more common in developed countries, and occur at an earlier age with 2-10% prevalence. From more than 170 foodstuffs that cause an allergic reaction, 90% refers to the following food allergens: cow's milk, eggs, wheat, soy, nuts, fish and peanuts. The main purpose of this study was to compare the nutritional status of patients with food allergy at the time of the diagnosis with a healthy control group, and to compare the nutritional status of children wih food allergy prior and after 6 months of elimination diet. The specific aim of this study was to examine the quality of nutrition in children on elimination diet and to compare it to healthy control group without dietary restrictions. Other aim was to examine the implementation of the elimination diet in relation to the number and type of food allergens. This controlled, prospective, longitudinal study involved 62 patients with nutritional allergy (age 3 – 8 months) and 52healthy participants (at the age of 8 months). Nutritional status of children with food allergies was assesed within 24 hours after diagnosis, and after 6 months on elimination diet. Nutritional status of the control group was assesed during general medical examination. Methods for determining the nutritional status are: antropometric, biochemical, dietary and anamnestic interviewing. At the time of diagnosis our respondents with nutritional allergy showed a decreased body mass when compared to healthy control group, while biochemical indicators and dietary intake of nutrients were not significantly different compared to healthy control. After 6 months on elimination diet, the nutritional status of our respondents has been deteriorated compared with the dietary intake before starting elimination diet, and dietary intake of energy, lipids, calcium, zinc, selenium and vitamin E, D, C and B complexes was not adequate. Although the number and type of food allergens did not influence the nutritional status of children who have excluded three or more foods from their diet, the intake of most micronutrients was significantly disrupted, suggesting inadequate and long-term diet that might have a negative impact on the child's growth and development. Since the intake of energy and nutrients is reduced during the elimination diet, children with nutritional allergy require nutritional supervision and careful monitoring of the nutritional status. |