Abstract | Cilj ovog rada bio je odrediti udio masti usporedbom dviju različitih metoda (metoda po Soxhletu i Smedesu) te sastav masnih kiselina u trajnim mesnim proizvodima s hrvatskog tržišta. Sastav masnih kiselina određen je metodom plinske kromatografije. Određeni su ukupni udjeli masti: 3,24-3,36 % dalmatinski pršut, 5,24-5,47 % istarski pršut, 19,90-20,49 % kulen, 34,12-35,24 % kulenova seka, 34,22-34,40 % zimska kobasica, 41,20-42,65 % čajna kobasica, 46,63-46,79 % drniška panceta i 55,64-57,26 % dalmatinska panceta. Različita metoda ekstrakcije masti nije pokazala statistički značajnu razliku (P>0,05) u ukupnom udjelu masti dok je postojala razlika u udjelima pojedinih masnih kiselina. Metodom po Soxhletu određeno je više zasićenih masnih kiselina zbog korištenja medicinskog benzina i više temperature ekstrakcije u odnosu na metodu po Smedesu. Preporuča se ekstrakciju masti metodom po Soxhletu ponoviti s nekim organskim otapalom nižeg vrelišta poput petroletera, kloroforma ili etera. |
Abstract (english) | The aim of this study was to determine the fat content with two different methods of extraction (Soxhlet and Smedes method) and the fatty acid composition in dry-cured meat products from the Croatian market. The composition of fatty acids was determined with the gas chromatography. Determined fat contents were: 3.24-3.36% in Dalmatinski pršut, 5.24-34.40% in Istarski pršut, 19.90-20.49% in kulen, 34.12-35.24% in kulenova seka, 34.22-34.40% in zimska sausage, 41.20-42.65% in čajna sausage, 46.63-46.79% in Drniš dry-cured bacon and 55.64-57.26% in Dalmatian dry-cured bacon. Different extraction methods did not show a statistically significant difference (P>0,05) in total fat content but it showed on the fatty acid composition. The Soxhlet method extracted more saturated fatty acids because of the use of medical gasoline and higher extraction temperature in comparison with the Smedes method. The recommendation for Soxhlet fat extraction is to repeat experiment with other organic solvents which has lower boiling point like petroleum ether, chloroform or ether. |