Abstract | Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je u introduciranim sortama šljive ( Prunus domestica L.): Topfive, Topstar plus, Topgigant plus, Topking, Top 2000, Toptaste, Topend, Topper, Hanita, Rheingold, Pitestean, President, Čačanska Ljepotica, Valor, Stanley, Haganta, Čačanska Rodna i Jojo koje su cijepljene na slabo bujnim podlogama WaxWa i WaVit ispitati utjecaj podloge na pomološka (masa ploda, masa koštice, % ploda i koštice, visina i širina ploda) i fizikalno-kemijska svojstva (ukupna i topljiva suha tvar, ukupne kiseline i pH). Rezultati su pokazali da se navedene sorte značajno razlikuju prema pomološkim i fizikalno-kemijskim svojstvima. Najveći postotak mesa ploda i najmanju košticu imala je sorta Topgigant Plus (plod 93,7 %, koštica 3,97 %), a u padajućem nizu slijede sorta Valor (plod 93,5 %, koštica 4,88 %) te sorta Top 2000 (plod 93,5 %, koštica 5,24 %) što ih čini sortama poželjnim za potrošnju u svježem stanju. Najmanji postotak mesa u odnosu na cijeli plod imala je sorta Hanita te sorta Rheingold. Udio topljive suhe tvari u istraživanim sortama određen je u rasponu od 13,5 % do 28,2 %, a udio ukupne suhe tvari u rasponu od 14,8 % do 28,8 %. Udio ukupnih kiselina u istraživanim sortama određen je u rasponu od 0,38 % do 0,94 %, a pH vrijednost određena je u rasponu od 3,18 do 3,76. |
Abstract (english) | The aim of this study was researched the influence of cultivation on dwarf rootstocks WaxWa or WaVit on pomological (fruit weight, stone weight,% fruit and stone fruit, height and width) and physical and chemical properties (total and soluble solids, total acidity and pH) in introduced cultivars of plum (Prunus domestica L.): Topfive, Topstar plus, Topgigant plus, Topking, Top 2000, Toptaste, TopEnd, Topper, Hanita, Rheingold, Pitestean, President, Čačanska ljepotica, Valor, Stanley, Haganta, Čačanska rodna and Jojo. The results showed remarkable differences among researched cultivars according pomological and physical and chemical properties. The highest percentage of fruit flesh and the lowest pit had a variety Topgigant Plus (93.7% fruit, pitted 3.97%), in descending order as follow: Valor varieties (93.5% fruit, pitted 4.88%), and the cultivar Top 2000 (93.5% fruit, pitted 5.24%), so they are the varieties desirable for consumption as fresh fruits . The smallest percentage of pulp in relation to the whole fruit had a variety Hanita and variety Rheingold. Proportion of soluble solids in the researched varieties was determined in the range of 13.5% to 28.2%, and the similar range was observed for dry matter. The proportion of the total acids in the researched plum cultivars were determined in the range of 00:38% to 0.94%, and the pH value is determined in the range from 3.18 to 3.76. |