Abstract | Kroničan stres i komponente sastava tijela (masno i mišićno tkivo) povezani su preko upalnih medijatora, koje navedena tkiva izlučuju, izazivajući neravnotežu u cirkadijalnom ritmu hormona stresa kortizola. Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio utvrditi postoji li povezanost kroničnog stresa s udjelom masnog i mišićnog tkiva te s prehrambenim unosom. Ispitanici su bili studenti (n=108) Prehrambeno-biotehnološkog fakulteta oba spola, prosječne dobi 22,1 ± 1,6 godina. Komponente sastava tijela te parametar kroničnog stresa, HPA indeks, su utvrđeni metodom bioimpedancije s BIA-ACC uređajem, a dijetetički parametri metodom 24-h prisjećanja. Muškarci su imali statistički značajno veći udio mišićnog tkiva (p<0,001) i intramuskularnog masnog tkiva (p=0,009) te veću prosječnu vrijednost HPA indeksa (p<0,001), s obzirom na žene. HPA indeks je pozitivno korelirao s tjelesnom masom (r=0,27), udjelom mišićnog tkiva (r=0,68) te s unosom proteina (r=0,30), masti (r=0,26) i energije (r=0,28), pa se može zaključiti da adekvatan udio mišićnog tkiva i adekvatan unos proteina, masti i energije imaju pozitivan učinak na održavanje cirkadijalnog ritma kortizola u tijelu. |
Abstract (english) | Chronic stress and components of body composition (adipose and muscle tissue) are associated through inflammatory mediators that these tissues secrete, causing an imbalance in the circadian rhythm of the stress hormone cortisol. The aim of this study was to determine if there is the association of chronic stress with adipose and muscle tissue, and with dietary intake. Subjects were students (n=108) of the Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology of both gender, average age 22.1 ± 1.6 years. Components of body composition and parameter of chronic stress, HPA indeks, were evaluated using the bioimpendance method with BIA-ACC device, and dietetic parameters by method 24-hour recall. Men had statistically significantly higher percentage of skeletal muscle (p<0.001) and intramuscular adipose tissue (p=0.009), and higher average value of HPA index (p<0.001), than women. HPA index correlated positively with body weight (r=0.27), percentage of skeletal muscle (r=0.68) and with protein intake (r=0.30), fat intake (r=0.26) and energy intake (r=0.28), so it can be concluded that an adequate percentage of skeletal muscle and adequate protein, fat and energy intake have a positive effect on maintaining the circadian rhythm of cortisol in the body. |