Abstract | Pripremljeni su jestivi pektinski i alginatni filmovi s dodatkom vodenog i puferskog ekstrakta kore klementine tretirane enzimima i dodatkom vodenog ekstrakta kore bez enzimskog predtretmana. Kontrolni filmovi (vodeni i puferski) su pripremljeni radi procjene utjecaja dodatka ekstrakta kore klementine na fizikalno-kemijska i mehanička svojstva filma. Dodatak vodenog ekstrakta enzimski netretirane kore klementine u jestivi film rezultira smanjenjem udjela vlage (pektinski 15,83 %, alginatni 12,99 %) i kapaciteta vezanja ulja (pektinski 1,37 %, alginatni film 1,86 %) u odnosu na kontrolni film, izraženo utječe na promjenu boje filma (pektinski ΔE=23,79, alginatni ΔE=13,86) te na udio ukupnih fenolnih spojeva izražen kao ekvivalent galne kiseline (pektinski 3,66, alginatni 3,63 mg GAE/g filma). Topljivost filmova u vodi je 100 %, a indeks topljivosti u vodi pektinskih (87,98 %) i alginatnih filmova (89,49 %) je najmanji za filmove pripremljene dodatkom puferskog ekstrakta kore klementine tretirane enzimima. Jestivi pektinski filmovi pripremljeni dodatkom vodenog ekstrakta kore klementine tretirane enzimima pokazuju dobra teksturna svojstva (F=29,51 N, W=43,68 Nmm). Zaključno, sastav jestivog biofilma utječe na svojstva dobivenog jestivog biofilma. Stoga se u sastav biofilma može dodati ekstrakt koji će doprinijeti poboljšanju svojstava biofilma kako bi on bio najprikladniji za buduću primjenu. |
Abstract (english) | Edible pectin and alginate films with the addition of aqueous and buffered extract from enzymatically pretreated clementine peels and films with the addition of aqueous extract from untreated clementine peels were produced. Control films (with water and buffer) were produced to analyse the influence of the addition of aqueous and buffered extracts on the physico-chemical and mechanical properties of the film. The addition of aqueous extract of enzymatically untreated clementine peel leads to a reduction in the moisture content of the edible films (pectin 15.83 %, alginate 12.99 %), a reduced oil-binding capacity of the films (pectin 1.37 %, alginate 1.86 %) in comparison with control films, a significant change in the colour of the films (pectin ΔE=23.79, alginate ΔE=13.86) and a high content of phenolic compounds in the films expressed in Gallic acid equivalents (pectin 3.66 and alginate 3.63 mg GAE/g film). The water solubility of the films is 100%, with the water solubility index of pectin (87.98%) and alginate (89.49%) being lowest in the films prepared with a buffered extract of enzyme-treated clementine peel. Edible pectin films produced with the addition of an aqueous clementine peel extract pre-treated with enzymes exhibited good textural properties (F=29.51 N, W=43.68 Nmm). In conclusion, edible biofilm composition affects the properties of the biofilm and can be altered to prepare a biofilm with optimal characteristics for further use. |