Sažetak | Šmrika (Juniperus deltoides), tek nedavno otkrivena vrsta, je vazdazeleni, oveći grm ili manje razgranjeno stabalce te se rasprostire od Italije, Balkanskog poluotoka, Turske, pa sve do istoka. Cilj ovo rada je bio odrediti kemijski sastav bobuljastih češera šmrike sa lokaliteta Sjeverne Dalmacije i Kvarnera. Ukupno je analizirano 13 uzoraka, a kemijskom analizom su se određivali maseni udio vode, masti, celuloze, proteina, mineralnog ostatka (pepela) i šećera. U svim analiziranim uzorcima prosječan maseni udio vode je bio 45,21%, masti 7,25%, celuloze 18,59%, proteina 2,93%, pepela 3,79% te šećera 22,23%. Jednofaktorskom analizom varijance ustanovljeno je kako za udio vode i šećera postoji statistički značajna razlika između promatranih lokaliteta, dok je za ostale parametre ustanovljeno kako ona ne postoji. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Juniperus deltoides, a recently discovered species, is an evergreen, large shrub or less branched tree that is widespread from Italy, the Balkan Peninsula, Turkey, all the way to the east. The aim of this study was to determine the chemical composition of fleshy cones from northern Dalmatia and Kvarner. A total of 13 samples were analysed, and chemical analysis determined the mass fraction of water, fat, cellulose, protein, mineral residue (ash) and sugar. In all analysed samples, the average mass fraction of water was 45.21%, of fat 7.25%, of cellulose 18.59%, of protein 2.93%, of ash 3.79%, and of sugar 22.23%. One-factor analysis of variance showed that for the mass fraction of wa-ter and sugar there is a statistically significant difference between localities, while for other parame-ters it was found that it does not exist. |