Sažetak | Taurin je neproteinska aminokiselina široko rasprostranjena u živom svijetu koja ima važnu ulogu u normalnoj funkciji organizma, a povezuje se s rastom i diferencijacijom mišića. Cilj ovog rada je utvrditi diferencijski potencijal i utjecaj na rast koji taurin ima na staničnu kulturu mišjih mioblasta C2C12e. Stanice su tretirane 0,75 mM i 7,5 mM koncentracijom taurina tijekom 264 sata. Broj stanica određivan je metodom bojanja tripan-plavo, dok je diferencijacija stanica praćenja hematoksilin-eozin bojanjem, pri čemu su dobiveni podaci obrađeni u programu ImageJ. Stanice pri 0,75 mM pokazale su trend rasta u prvih 168 sati uzgoja nakon čega im se broj smanjiva pri čemu konačni prinos stanica iznosi 63,06x10⁴ stanica. Prinos u uvjetima 7,5 mM taurina iznosi 134,43x10⁴ stanica. Morfološka analiza stanica pokazala je porast diferencijacijskog stupnja tijekom vremena i s povećanom koncentracijom taurina. Nakon 120 sati uzgoja u mediju za diferencijaciju 37,24 % stanica je diferenciralo u uvjetima 0,75 mM taurina dok nakon 264 sata njih 83,03 %. 7,5 mM koncentracija pokaziva postotak od 41,84 % nakon 120 sati, dok 90,91 % nakon 264 sata. Zbog otežanog očitavanja rezultata uslijed prerasle površine stanicama i odstupanja u odnosu na određene literaturne podatke potrebno je provesti dodatna istraživanja kako bi se dobili jednoznačni rezultati za utjecaj taurina na rast i diferencijaciju C2C12 stanica. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Taurine is a widely present non-proteogenic amino acid found in most living organisms and plays an important role from early development. It is believed that taurine effects muscle cell growth and differentiation. The aim of this study is to determine the differentiation potential of taurine on mouse myoblasts C2C12 in vitro. The cells were treated with 0,75 mM and 7,5 Mm taurine concentration for 264 hours. The number of cells was determined by the trypan-blue method, while cell differentiation by hematoxylin-eosin method, whereby the obtained data were processed in the ImageJ program. Cells at 0,75 mM taurine showed a growth trend in the first 168 hours of cultivation, after which their number decreases, with the final yeald being 63,06x10⁴ cells. The yield under 7,5 mM conditions of 7,5 mM taurine is 134,43x10⁴ cells. Morphological analysis of the cells showed an increase in the degree of differentiation over time and with increased taurine concentration. After 120 hours of cultivation in the differentiation medium 37,24 % of cells differentiated in conditions of 0,75 mM taurine, while after 264 hours 83,03 % of them differentiated. 7,5 mM concentration showed a percentage of 41,84 % after 120 hours, while 90,91 % after 264 hours. Due to the difficulty in reading the results because of the overgrown surface with cells and deviations from certain literature data, it is necessary to conduct additional research in order to obtain unequivocal results for the influence of taurine on the grown and differentiation od C2C12 cells. |