Sažetak | U ovom radu obrađena su botanička obilježja i sorte običnog oraha, a istraživan je i kemijski sastav dvije sorte oraha, Franquette (F) i Elite (E) prema AOAC metodama. Određen je udio vode 6,44% u sorti E, a 7,11% u sorti F, udio pepela na suhu tvar u sorti E je 2,01%, a u sorti F 2,13%, udio proteina 16,83% u sorti E i 13,83% u sorti F, udio masti 62,78% u sorti F i u E 65,85%, udio prirodnog inverta u sorti E od 1,52% i udio ukupnih šećera od 7,59% dok je u sorti F udio prirodnog inverta 1,4%, a ukupnih šećera 13,37%. Usporedbom dobivenih rezultata možemo zaključiti da je najveća razlika u udjelu ukupnih šećera pri čemu sorta F ima veći udio, a udjeli ostalih sastojaka se nalaze u uskom intervalu. Gore navedeni podatci uspoređeni su i sa sastavom oraha prema USDA (Odjel za poljoprivredu Sjedinjenih Američkih Država engl. United States Department of Agriculture) bazi podataka, prema kojoj orah sadrži 4,07% vode, 2% pepela, 15,23% proteina, 65,21% masti, 1,5% prirodnog inverta, a 2,61% ukupnih šećera. Zaključuje se da su rezultati ostvareni u ovom radu u velikoj mjeri sukladni navedenim literaturnim podacima, osim što se sorta F razlikuje u udjelu šećera. |
Sažetak (engleski) | In this study we processed botanical characteristics and varietys of common walnut, and we also examined chemical composition of two varieties of common walnut, Franquette and Elite. It was determined water content of 6,44% in Elite (E) variety and 7,11% in Franquette (F) variety. Ash on dry matter was determined in E variety and it was 2,01% while in F it was 2,13%. Protein content in E was 16,83% and in F 13,83%. Variety E contains 65,85% of fat while F 62,78%. Also was determined content of natural invert and total sugar in E and F variety and it was 1,52% and 7,59% in E and 1,4% and 13,37% in F variety. By comparing obtained data we can conclude that the biggest difference between E and F variety is in total sugar content and that the F variety has bigger content. The rest of ingredients are in narrow range In comparison mentioned results with walnut composition according to United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) database (water 4,07%, ash 2%, proteins 15,23%, fat 65,21%, natural invert 1,5% and total sugars 2,61%), it is obvious that data are in accordance except for total sugar content in F cultivar. |