Sažetak | Pri upisu na fakultet, studenti prolaze kroz brojne životne promjene što se može odraziti na kvaliteti njihove prehrane. Prakticiranje pravilne prehrane u mlađoj dobi bi moglo odgoditi ili čak spriječiti nastanak određenih kroničnih nezaraznih bolesti te povećati akademski uspjeh. U ovom radu procijenjena je kakvoća prehrane 392 studenta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu Farmaceutsko-biokemijskog fakulteta, analizom trodnevnih dnevnika prehrane, tijekom tri akademske godine. Ispitanici su bili prosječne dobi 21,51 ± 1,25 godina. Promatrana skupina u prosjeku ima adekvatnu tjelesnu masu (22,00 ± 3,01 kg/m2), uz 11,0 % studenata s prekomjernom tjelesnom masom i 2,3 % pretilih studenata. Studenti provode obrasce prehrane koji su bogati mastima (38,3 ± 12,0 % kcal), umjereni s obzirom na unos proteina (16,9 ± 5,0 % kcal) te siromašni ugljikohidratima (43,4 ± 12,1 % kcal), uz prenizak unos vlakana, 8,43 ± 4,16 g/1000 kcal. U svrhu sprečavanja kasnijih komplikacija treba poraditi na edukaciji studentske populacije u smislu poboljšanja nutritivne kakvoće prehrane. |
Sažetak (engleski) | When students start university, they go through many changes in their lives, which can be reflected in the quality of their diet. Healthy diet at a young age could delay or even prevent the onset of certain chronic, non-communicable diseases and increase academic success. In this study, the diet quality of 392 students from the Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry at the University of Zagreb was assessed over a period of three academic years by analysing three-day food diaries. The participants were average age of 21.51 ± 1.25 years. The observed group has adequate body weight (22.00 ± 3.01 kg/m2), with 11.0% of overweight and 2.3% of obese students. The student diet was high in fat (38.3 ± 12.0% kcal), moderate in protein (16.9 ± 5.0% kcal) and low in carbohydrates (43.4 ± 12.1% kcal), with low intake of fibres 8.43 ± 4.16 g/1000 kcal. To prevent future complications, education of the student population to improve the diet quality should be done. |