Sažetak | Cilj istraživanja bio je odrediti i usporediti ukupan udio fenola i antioksidacijski kapacitet u kori, usplođu i srži u četiri sorte jabuka (Fuji, Granny Smith, Gala, Pink Cripps). Ukupni fenoli određeni su spektrofotometrijskom metodom s Folin-Ciocalteu reagensom, dok je antioksidacijski kapacitet određen primjenom DPPH metode.Unutar svake ispitivane sorte, ukupni fenoli i antioksidacijska kapacitetnajviši su u kori jabuka, zatim u srži te najmanji u usplođu jabuka.Najviši udjeli ukupnih fenola u kori određeni su u sorti Pink Cripps (251,08 mg GAE/100g jabuke), a najniži u sorti Fuji (205,46 mg GAE/100g); u usplođu najviši u sorti Pink Cripps (46,63 mg GAE/100g), a najniži u sorti Granny Smith (6,01 mg GAE/100g), dok u srži najviši udio ukupnih fenola određen je u sorti Gala (101,94 mg GAE/100g), a najniži u sorti Fuji (37,42 mg GAE/100g). Najviše vrijednosti antioksidacijskog kapaciteta u kori određeni su u sorti Granny Smith (129,18 µM AAE/100g jabuke), a najniže u sorti Gala (91,24 µM AAE/100g); u usplođu najviše u sorti Pink Cripps (44,49 µM AAE/100g), a najniže u sorti Granny Smith (30,22 µM AAE/100g), dok u srži najviše vrijednosti određene su u sorti Gala (81,94 µM AAE/100g), a najniža u sorti Pink Cripps (47,95 µM AAE/100g). Na temelju ukupnih rezultata za čitavi plod jabuka, sorta Pink Cripps se pokazala kao najbolji izvor fenola, no sorta Granny Smith, iako ima najnižu vrijednost ukupnih fenola, pokazala je da ima najviši antioksidacijski kapacitet. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The objective of this work was to determine and compare the proportion of total phenolics and antioxidant capacity in peel, flesh and core in four apple cultivars (Fuji, Granny Smith, Gala, Pink Cripps).Total phenolics were determined with spectrophotometric method with the Folin-Ciocalteu reagent, while the antioxidant capacity determined by using DPPH method.Within each of the explored cultivar, total phenolics and antioxidant capacity were highest in thepeel of apple, then the core and lowest in the flesh of apples.The highes tproportion of total phenolics in peel were determined in cultivar Pink Cripps (251,08 mg GAE/100g apples), and the lowest in cultivar Fuji (205,46 mg GAE/100g); in the flesh the highest proportion was in cultivar Pink Cripps (46,63 mg GAE/100g), and the lowest in cultivar Granny Smith (6,01 mg GAE/100g), while in the core the highest proportion of total phenolics was determined in cultivar Gala (101,94 mg GAE/100g), and the lowest in cultivar Fuji (37,42 mg GAE/100g).The highest values of antioxidant capacity in peel were determined in cultivar Granny Smith (129,18 µM AAE/100g apples), and the lowest in cultivar Gala (91,24 µM AAE/100g); in the flesh the highest value were in cultivar Pink Cripps (44,49 µM AAE/100g), and the lowest in cultivar Granny Smith (30,22 µM AAE/100g), while in the core the highest values were determined in cultivar Gala (81,94 µM AAE/100g ), and the lowest in cultivar Pink Cripps (47,95 µM AAE/100g). Based on the total results in the entire apples, cultivar Pink Cripps has proved to be the best source of phenols, but the cultivar Granny Smith, althougt it has the lowest value of total phenolics, showed that it has the highest antioxidant capacity. |