Abstract | Med ne sadrži visoki udio proteina, međutim njihovo određivanje može biti značajno u okviru procjene kvalitete i autentičnosti meda, dok se udio prolina može koristiti ujedno i kao indikator zrelosti meda. Tijekom ovog istraživanja analizirana su 44 uzorka različitih vrsta meda kao što su medljikovac/medun, lipa, šumski, bagrem i kesten podrijetlom iz Republike Hrvatske. Udio ukupnih proteina određen je metodom po Kjeldahl-u, a udio prolina metodom predloženom od strane International Honey Commission. Najviši prosječan udio ukupnih proteina određen je u uzorcima šumskog meda (0,54 %), slijedi medljikovac/medun (0,46 %), kesten (0,41 %) te lipa (0,32 %), dok najniži prosječan udio ukupnih proteina ima med bagrema (0,21 %). Najviši prosječan udio prolina određen je u uzorcima meda kestena (1006,952 mg/kg), slijedi šumski med (935,59 mg/kg), medljikovac/medun (918,72 mg/kg) i bagrem (520,149 mg/kg), dok je najniži prosječni udio prolina određen kod meda lipe (490,813 mg/kg). Rezultati analiza mogu predstavljati doprinos u procjeni kvalitete i autentičnosti analiziranih uzoraka različitih vrsta meda. |
Abstract (english) | Honey does not contain a high content of proteins, however their determination can be significant in assessing the quality and authenticity of honey, while the content of proline can also be used as an indicator of honey maturity. During this research, 44 samples of different types of honey, such as honeydew honey, linden, forest, acacia and chestnut, originating from the Republic of Croatia, were analysed. The content of total proteins was determined by the Kjeldahl method, and the content of proline was determined by the method proposed by the International Honey Commission. The highest average content of total proteins was determined in samples of forest honey (0.54 %), followed by honeydew honey (0.46 %), chestnut (0.41 %) and linden (0.32 %) while the lowest average content of total proteins was determined in acacia honey (0.21 %). The highest average content of proline was determined in chestnut honey samples (1006.952 mg/kg), followed by forest honey (935.59 mg/kg), honeydew honey (918.72 mg/kg) and acacia (520.149 mg/kg), while the lowest average content of proline was determined in linden honey (490.813 mg/kg). The results of the analyses can represent a contribution to the assessment of the quality and authenticity of the analysed samples of different types of honey. |