Sažetak | Šećerna trska je osnovna sirovina za proizvodnju šećera u tropskim predjelima iz koje se dobiva oko 2/3 ukupno proizvedenog šećera u svijetu. To je biljka u čijoj se stabiljci nalaze pohranjeni šećer i mnogi drugi spojevi, a njihovi udjeli, kao i međusobni odnosi ovise o mnoštvu vanjskih čimbenika tijekom proizvodnje i rasta trske. Uzimani su uzorci međuprodukata i konačnog produkta, konzumnog šećera, tijekom tehnološkog procesa proizvodnje počevši od gustog soka šećerne trske. Nakon gustog soka slijedili su redom uzorci: šećerovina A, zeleni sirup A, bijeli sirup A, šećerovina B, zeleni sirup B, miješani sirup B, šećerovima C, melasa, sirovi šećer, afinirani šećer, sirova klera, sirova klera prije čišćenja, sirova klera poslije čišćenja, klera I, klera II i konzumni šećer. U navedenim uzorcima određivani su procesni parametri: udjel suhe tvari, polarizacija, kvocijent čistoće, pH, udjel inverta i boja, na temelju kojih se definirala kakvoća uzoraka. Na osnovu dobivenih rezultata vidljivo je da je konzumni šećer, proizveden tijekom kampanje 2006. godine zadovoljavajuće kakvoće i u skladu s kakvoćom konzumnog šećera unatrag deset godina. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Sugar cane is a basic raw material for sugar production in tropical zones and about 70% of the global sugar production is sugar produced from sugar cane. It is a plant whose stalk has sugar and many other compounds stored in it and their shares, as well as their ratio, depend on a large number of external factors during production and growth of the plant. Samples of intermedial products and of the final product, white sugar, were taken during the technological process of sugar production, starting with sugar cane thick juice. After that juice, samples: massecuite A, green juice A, white juice A, massecuite B, green juice B, mixed juice „B“, massecuite C, molasses, raw sugar, afinated sugar, raw standard liquor, raw standard liquor before process of cleaning, raw standard liquor after the process of cleaning, standard liquor I, standard liquor II and white sugar were taken. Those samples had their process parametres measured: dry matter content, polarisation, purity quotient, pH, invert sugar content and color and, based upon that, the quality of samples was defined. Results showed that white sugar, produced in campaign 2006., had a satisfactory quality equal to that in white sugars that have been produced in last ten years. |