Abstract | Cilj rada bio je istražiti utjecaj proteolitičkih, lipolitičkih i oksidacijskih procesa na teksturu, boju i aromu dimljenoga pršuta tijekom tehnološkog procesa proizvodnje. Istraživanje je provedeno paralelno na mišićima biceps femoris (BF) i semimembranosus (SM) izuzetih nakon šest faza proizvodnje. Provedene su analize: boje, teksture, fizikalno-kemijskih parametara, proteolitičkog indeksa, sastava proteina, aminokiselina i dipeptida, oksidacije masti i proteina, profila masnih kiselina (MK) i spojeva arome i senzorsko ocjenjivanje. Utvrđen je različit tijek istraživanih procesa tijekom proizvodnje. BF dimljenog pršuta karakteriziran je višim vrijednostima parametara boje (L*, a* i b*), višim udjelima vode, pepela i NaCl-a, većom adhezivnom silom, adhezivnosti i kohezivnosti, a SM višim udjelima proteina, većom tvrdoćom, gumenosti, žvakljivosti i prijelomom. Određen je porast indeksa proteolize i udjela aminokiselina te degradacija sarkoplazmatskih i miofibrilarnih proteina, uz veći intenzitet u BF. Mišići dimljenog pršuta imali su sličan sastav MK (38,72-38,77 % SFA, 51,59-52,64 % MUFA i 8,56-9,23 % PUFA). Formiranje oksidacijskih produkata stabiliziralo se nakon zrenja. Utvrđena je pozitivna korelacija oksidacije proteina i proteolize. Identificirano je 95 spojeva arome, predominantno aldehida, fenola i alkohola. SM je karakteriziran većim (p<0,05) intenzitetom mirisa, mirisa po mesu i po dimljenome, intenzitetom boje mišićnog tkiva i tvrdoćom, a BF većom (p <0,05) vlažnošću površine, slanosti i topivosti. Faza dimljenja utjecala je na formiranje karakteristične boje, mirisa i aromatskog profila pršuta, bez utjecaja na proteolizu i lipolizu. |
Abstract (english) | The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of proteolytic, lipolytic and oxidative processes on the texture, color and aroma of dry-cured ham throughout processing. The study was conducted simultaneously on ham muscles, the biceps femoris (BF) and the semimembranosus (SM), sampled after six stages of the production process. Samples were analysed for color, texture and physicochemical parameters, proteolysis index, protein, amino acid and fatty acid profiles, lipid and protein oxidation, fatty acid profile (FA) and aroma compounds and sensory properties. Monitored processes on BF and SM proceeded at different rates during production. BF had higher values for color parameters (L *, a *, b *), higher water, ash, and NaCl contents, higher adhesive force, adhesiveness and cohesiveness. SM had higher protein contents, hardness, gumminess, chewiness and fracture. Increases in proteolysis index values, amino acid and dipeptide contents and degradation of sarcoplasmic and myofibrillar proteins were observed, with more pronounced effects in BF. Muscles of the final product showed similar FA profiles (38.72-38.77% SFA, 51.59-52.64% MUFA, 8.56-9.23% PUFA). The formation of oxidation products stabilized after ripening. A positive correlation between protein oxidation and proteolysis was observed. A total of 95 aroma compounds were identified, mainly aldehydes, phenols and alcohols. SM had higher (p <0.05) odor intensity, meat and smoke odor, muscle color and hardness and BF higher (p<0.05) moisture, saltiness and melting sensation. Smoking affected the development of the characteristic color, odor and aroma of dry-cured ham, but had no effect on proteolysis and lipolysis. |