Sažetak | U ovome radu ispitan je utjecaj veličine čestica i vremena destilacije na udio i sastav eteričnog ulja sjemenki komorača. Primjenom vodene destilacije te variranjem veličine čestica (<0,45 mm, 0,45-1 mm, 1-1,6 mm i >1,6 mm) i vremena destilacije (40, 80 i 120 min) dobiveno je 12 uzoraka eteričnog ulja kojima je određen prinos te je ispitan kemijski sastav primjenom plinske kromatografije s masenom spektrometrijom (GC-MS). Prinos eteričnog ulja kretao se u rasponu od 1,50 do 12,50 %. Ukupno je identificirano 18 hlapljivih spojeva iz skupine fenilpropanoida (prosječna vrijednost 80,65±0,87 %), oksidiranih monoterpena (prosječna vrijednost 15,81±0,59 %), monoterpena (prosječna vrijednost 3,12±0,52 %) i aromatskih aldehida (prosječna vrijednost 0,42±0,04 %). Najzastupljeniji spoj bio je trans-anetol (prosječna vrijednost 877,71±54,18 mg mLˉ¹). Veličina čestica i vrijeme destilacije pokazali su statistički značajan utjecaj (p≤0,05) na prinos i sastav eteričnog ulja. Najviši prinos ulja postignut je destilacijom manje veličine čestica sjemenki (<0,45 mm) i duljim vremenom destilacije (120 min). Najviša koncentracija trans-anetola dobivena je primjenom najkraćeg vremena destilacije (40 min) uzorka najveće veličine čestica (>1,6 mm). Vrijeme destilacije od 40 i 120 min bilo je podjednako efikasno za izolaciju hlapljivih spojeva dok je manja veličina čestica (<0,45 mm) bila efikasnija za izolaciju lako i srednje hlapljivih spojeva, a veličina čestica 0,45-1 mm i >1,6 mm za izolaciju teže hlapljivih spojeva. |
Sažetak (engleski) | In this study, the influence of particle size and distillation time on the yield and composition of fennel seeds essential oil was investigated. The essential oil was extracted by hydrodistillation while the particle size (<0.45 mm, 0.45-1 mm, 1-1.6 mm and > 1.6 mm) and distillation time (40, 80 and 120 min) were varied. Twelve samples of essential oil were obtained in which the yield and composition by gas cromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS) were analyzed. The essential oil yield ranged from 1.50 to 12.50 %. A total of 18 volatile compounds from the group of phenylpropanoids (average value 80.65 ± 0.87 %), oxygenated monoterpenes (average value 15.81 ± 0.59 %), monoterpenes (average value 3.12 ± 0.52 %) and aromatic aldehydes (average value 0.42 ± 0.04 %) were identified. The most abundant compound was trans-anethole (average value 877.71 ± 54.18 mg mLˉ¹). Particle size and distillation time showed a statistically significant effect (p≤0.05) on the yield and composition of essential oil. The highest oil yield was achieved with distillation of smaller particle size (<0.45 mm) and longer distillation time (120 min). The highest concentration of trans-anethole was obtained using the shortest distillation time (40 min) of the sample with the largest particle size (> 1.6 mm). Distillation time of 40 and 120 min were equally effective for isolation of volatile compounds, while smaller particle size (<0.45 mm) was more effective for isolation of highly and medium volatile compounds and particle sizes of 0.45-1 mm and >1.6 mm were more effective for isolation of less volatile compounds. |